CSWP 1.1.2 was just released. This fixes a bug with the image chooser/cropper activity that caused it to crash and/or run slow. After literally hours of trying to fix the problem, it turned out to be a single line of code out of place. It is funny that after writing software for a little over 8 years now I have come to the point where the only bugs that stump me for a long time tend to be fixed by changing a single line of code. The activity still acts a little funny though, it flashes a couple of time when the image first loads and the red selector box tends to act a little jumpy when you move it fast. I will continue to work on that. Anyway, I apologize to all of the CSWP users for the problem. I hope to add the ability to rotate images soon too. I have found that some phones will show images properly rotated in their image picker and then they are rotated before they get to my activity, weird...